World Of warcraft 1-85 Leveling Guide For Horde


Level 1-15

Tirisfal Glades (1-10)
Durotar (1-10)
Mulgore (1-10)
Eversong Forest (1-10) 

Azshara (10-20)

Level 15-20 
Silverpine Forest (10-20)
The Barrens (10-25)
Stonetalon Mountains (15-27)
Ghostlands (10-20)

Level 20-25
The Barrens (10-25)
Hillsbrad Foothills (20-30)
Stonetalon Mountains (15-27)
Ashenvale Forest (18-30)

Level 25-30 
Thousand Needles (25-35)
Hillsbrad Foothills (20-30)
Stonetalon Mountains (15-27)
Stranglethorn Vale (30-45)
Ashenvale Forest (18-30)

Level 30-35
 Arathi Highlands (30-40)
Desolace (30-40)
Thousand Needles (30+)
Stranglethorn Vale (30-45)

Level 35-40 
Arathi Highlands (30-40)
Desolace (30-40)
Stranglethorn Vale (30-45)
Swamp of Sorrows (35-45)
Dustwallow Marsh (35-45)

Level 40-45
 Feralas (40-50)
Tanaris Desert (40-50)
The Hinterlands (40-52)
Searing Gorge (43-50)

Level 45-50 
Feralas (40-50)
Tanaris Desert (40-50)
The Hinterlands (40-52)
Searing Gorge (43-50)
 Badlands (45-48)

Azshara (45-55)
The Blasted Lands (45-55)
Felwood (48-55)

Level 50-55 
The Blasted Lands (45-55)
Felwood (48-55)
Un'Goro Crater (48-55)
Burning Steppes (50-58)
W. Plaguelands (51-58)

Level 55-60
 Burning Steppes (50-58)
W. Plaguelands (51-58)
E. Plaguelands (53-60)
Winterspring (53-60)
Silithus (55-60)

Level 60-65 
Hellfire Peninsula (58-63)
Zangarmarsh (60-64)
Terokkar Forest (62-65)
Nagrand (64-67)
Blade's Edge Mountains (65-68)

Level 65-70 
Terokkar Forest (62-65)
Nagrand (64-67)
Blade's Edge Mountains (65-68)
Netherstorm (67-70)
Shadowmoon Valley (67-70)
Borean Tundra (68-72)
Howling Fjord (68-72)

Level 70-75
Netherstorm (67-70)
Shadowmoon Valley (67-70)
Borean Tundra (68-72)
Howling Fjord (68-72)
Dragonblight (71-74)
Grizzly Hills (73-75)
Zul'Drak (74-77)

Level 75-80
Zul'Drak (74-77)
Sholazar Basin (75-78)
Storm Peaks (76-80)
Icecrown (77-80)

Level 80-85 
Vashj'ir (80-82)
Mt. Hyjal (80-82)
Deepholm (82-83)
Twilight Highlands(84-85)